The six hundred eighty-ninth song: Freak Scene - Dinosaur Jr.

Freak Scene combines this heavily energetic music with slow, chill vocals that put you at rest even as the guitars are screeching. It's a nice little alternative rock song that doesn't demand too much, but gives a lot musically.

The six hundred ninetieth song: Follow the Leader - Eric B. & Rakim

As hip hop is still rising, we've had a lot of happier dance tracks. Here, however, we get the darker side, with a deep, oppressive beat and lyrics that sound more oppressive. There's a lot of talent in it and its grown up feeling really resonates that much more.

The six hundred ninety-first song: Where Is My Mind? - The Pixies

Inspired by Dinosaur Jr., The Pixies have similar slower vocals, with lyrics that match that slower delivery. The music moves along a lot faster and the combination jives well, a nice rock song that keeps moving along.

The six hundred ninety-second song: Waiting Room - Fugazi

Although this track has a clear metal influence, its music goes that much slower, lessening its intensity instead. The vocals are that bit more stripped down as well, with the real power coming as much from the larger choruses joining in instead. The music builds to being more celebrating in places, but the step down from metal does make it that much more accessible and listenable when you come across it like this.

The six hundred ninety-third song: Touch Me I’m Sick - Mudhoney

Following that, Touch me I'm Sick really brings the volume to the point where it becomes incredibly distorated. The repeating, simple chords and drum beat emphasize that further, while the screamed lyrics seem like they're needed just to get through them. It's a lot of energy and a lot of aggression, working to create that full atmosphere.

The six hundred ninety-fourth song: Feed Me with Your Kiss - My Bloody Valentine

Feed Me With Your Kiss loses its lyrics almost completely in its music, heavy guitars almost completely drowning out the lyrics. It's a bit too much for me - without the lyrics, this feels like a repeated chord that wears out its welcome quick enough, lacking the variation that's meant to sustain its four minutes.

The six hundred ninety-fifth song: Buffalo Stance - Neneh Cherry

Buffalo Stance has that classic hip hop build, with a build of energy, lyrics about life on the street, that quickly build into an R&B track for part of it, mixing both together with the samples and DJ stylings. It's a nice combination, not too innocent but also not going as grim in these. It's a pretty nice hip hop pop song that stands out for its own energy.

The six hundred ninety-sixth song: Fast Car - Tracy Chapman

Fast Car is a straight forward folk rock song. Its focused lyrics really sell this point, an appeal to leave, both discussing the life they want to escape (get out of the shelter) and the feeling of freedom when they travel. It's touching and really hits you with every aspect of it. Nothing is underperformed, but the music hits at just the right points.

The six hundred ninety-seventh song: Straight Outta Compton - N.W.A.

And if the previous hip hop tracks weren't enough, we really start getting the gangsta rap in. This feels like a song declaring war on other gangs and others they don't like. It's aggressive and dark, the beat really becoming secondary to the lyrics. The rappers on this album come back in bigger places later, and that's the rap legacy that I feel we see rise in the next two decades.