The sixty-eighth comic: #528 A Treasury of Victorian Murder

There's something fascinating about tales of (unsolved) crimes, murders with clues that are ambiguous enough that you don't know what's going on. Rick Geary's set of stories examines a number of Victorian (and early 20th century) murders. In some cases, these remain unsolved, while with others we know what happened but the perpetrators disappeared, while in the case of Guiteau we know what happened. As always, in a way the journey is more interesting than the solution and the way these stories are examined - sometimes through a (fictional?) contemporary account, or other devices. The art style is fairly simple but the black and white drawings have a lot of character, leaving identities vague enough while still letting you identify characters, it fits the slightly unclear nature of these cases, especially as it brings across the facts well. I devoured these in a few days, and that was for a good reason.