The one hundred and fourth comic: #951 Logicomix: An Epic Search For Truth

After finishing the book, Logicomix left me feeling a bit empty. It takes the life of Bertrand Russell to explore an area of time where logic evolved a lot, but deftly manages to avoid saying anything of consequence. It plays with the idea of madness and logic being linked, but doesn't do much more than point out spurious details but doesn't carry it through to the end. Its biographical elements are fictionalized to a point where I can't quite trust it. And its story of logic has beginning and end points set so it doesn't follow to its final conclusion - something it points out in its own epilogue, but tying it to the life of Bertrand Russell feels like it limits itself. Even the logic is barely explained, the consequences being clearer to the background I have than it might be to someone who doesn't know.

And perhaps that's why this was the wrong comic for me. As a programmer, I'm somewhat aware of the consequences of this and how their quest is ultimately futile - and wouldn't survive contact with the real world (after all, mine rarely does). It's unfortunate, as a focus on just one of these elements would have done better.