The one hundred twenty-fourth TV show: #713 Doctor Who (2005)

Like so many, this version was the one that really introduced me to Doctor Who. Even now, by most measures, this is the more successful version and, indeed, one of BBC's biggest exports. Originally I started watching a few episodes on TV at random, after which I bought a DVD of the first season. The cast changes confused me and the the whole tone was a bit odd, but I enjoyed it and starting watching the other series after that. I've obviously stuck with it, even as Moffat's cleverness led to some less interesting episodes and not everything gelled. As with the original, the series is uneven, there are issues and it can get exhausting, but at the same time it's amazing what they end up doing.

One of the main things they still manage to get right is the casting of the main characters. They've not cast a bad Doctor yet - and introducing John Hurt as an in between Doctor is probably the best of them - and most of the companions work too.

Each episode still brings something new and that's still exciting. It works most of the time, looks good and the show still keeps drawing me in, even after the weaker bits.