The one hundred seventy-fourth album: #174 Frank Zappa - Hot Rats

Hot Rats consists mostly of lengthy jam sessions, with some more carefully arranged tunes. Most of them are purely instrumental, with only a Willie the Pimp featuring a more noticeable vocal performance. There's a psychedelic feel to how some of the songs are set up, the lack of vocals inviting that further, and while the lengthy jam sessions drag, they all create a soundscape that is incredibly appealing - I didn't get bored, I just got pulled into a mindset that was quite effective. Considering who Zappa worked with, I was worried about what we'd get, but while this isn't grounded, it's quite a lovely tune that worked marvelously here.

And with that, I finish the sixties. On to the next decade! The songs has shown me how that decade really upped the variety of music, so I'm looking forward for what comes.