The one hundred thirtieth TV show: #736 Big Love

This show's story of a polygamous Mormon marriage is an interesting and often uncomfortable one. The polygamy on its own not as much - between consenting adults I feel that's their own choice - but often enough it feels the gender imbalance in the relationship means that the decisions aren't always consensual. It's one of those themes that goes through the show, one where choice, obligation and expectations from upbringing clash and make you ask what wins out.

That expands to the rest, which follows the family of Bill Henrickson, his three wives and their kids as he tries to build his business, stay within the greater Mormon church while also handling the Juniper Creek compound he comes from that more actively promotes polygamy. It's an odd world that I'd never be in, but the actors do the work to make you care for them. In particular, the three wives carry the show in their own way. Jeanne Triplehorn as the first wife, with a long history who seems to struggle with it sometimes but also is the mother to the whole clan. Ginnifer Goodwin is great as the young Marge, the latest wife who's excited about this new direction and being part of a community, even if she appears to avoid the stakes. Best, though, is Chloe Sevigny. Her character Nicki comes from the compound and is deep in that lore. She's strong willed and defiant, in part to keep up their ideals, but she's also the one doing the DIY around the house and gets things done. She's often the spark that brings up the conflict, which makes her performance even more amazing. Somehow, Chloe Sevigny keeps up the balance between repulsion of a world that doesn't suit me and care for the character because it's her views and she's trying to do the right thing, even if they don't match mine.

It's the tightrope the show constantly walks, and mostly you end up rooting for the family, even as different character attract you or push you away, with few people sticking to one side or the other. I've struggled going back to it from time to time, but it keeps paying off and the story keeps pushing relentlessly forward and I feel I need to see the end now.