The sixty-second comic: #952 Metro

Metro was banned in Egypt, where it was written, for its political content - it is incredibly critical of Mubarak's regime, painting the regime as oppressing the poorer masses and showing the conflicts at play that led to the Arab spring - something more interesting in hindsight. It also tells the story of a bank robbery, what leads up to it and the aftermath - involving quite a bit of murder and violence. It highlights these class differences and shows the effects of them.

The framing idea of using metro stops doesn't work well. I guess I'm not familiar enough with the Cairo metro for the stops to make sense, but as it is they're just there. It's a bit of a setting, but not, I think, strongly so. They might have indicated time jumps but for me those, too, were difficult to follow. The art is nice, I quite like the style, and there were some shocks, but on the whole I feel like I missed something here - I guess this is more known for the history behind it.