The four hundred and thirteenth album: #413 Talking Heads - More Songs About Buildings and Food

Something that I think will keep getting me when listening to Talking Heads albums is how it sounds that bit different - still a rock song, but the vocals are different, the music more haunting at times, and the whole album feels like it has its own musical identity that doesn't stray away from a genre, but doesn't sound entirely normal either. It's too constrained to feel fully experimental, but it still continues to be interesting enough

The one hundred and second book: #79 Life of a Good-For-Nothing - Joseph Von Eichendorff

To be hoenst, Life of a Good-For-Nothing did little for me. Maybe it's because I don't really like the "slacker lucks into success" stories a lot, but it really felt like this story relied too much on coincidences, tired twists that I think I've seen before in previous entries on the list. Our title character was likeable at times, clearly written to be that way, but also felt too dim and unaware at times to really convince me. I ended up rushing through a bit... it just didn't reach any real depths that I cared for.