The one hundred thirty-sixth album: #136 Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Everyone Knows This Is Nowhere

One of the things I've been struggling with when doing some of these list write ups is whether "a good album" or "a good game" is enough to go with. Part of the things I expect from the list is that it isn't just the 1001 best - it's the ones you have to experience because they offer you something different. You don't add all the Beatles albums because they're the best, you offer the best of those, and focus on what other bands do well in that era.

However, you do get an album like this, which is just a good rock album. It's well written, well performed, and the long jam-like numbers are a pleasure to listen to, not wearing out their welcome despite their length (something I'm more comfortable with for an album than I would be listening to individual songs). I can't tell you what makes it unique, though, or give you a moment that stands out.