Archive of 2020-10-01 00:00:00

The two hundred and thirty-eighth album: #238 Harry Nilsson - Nilsson Schmilsson

Reading up on him, it seems a bit odd I've never heard of Harry Nilsson. While I don't think there are any songs on here that I really know, the push towards a rock-influenced pop is clear here, with a pop sound that eschews the psychedelic or the soul, but uses a rock influence and takes the old rock classic sound, tones down the guitars and such, and moves into a pleasant sound rather than the more serious, morose tone of folk rock. There's thought put into the lyrics, but there's a happy tone to several of the songs which really make you feel better.

One of the best places to compare different sounds is a cover on the album, and Without You has been covered more famously by others. Here, it feels like a bit more of a production number than others on the album, with vocal double tracking, violins and a generally more bombastic feeling, but also one that feels well composed. Similarly, Coconut was written by Nilsson but was covered since and I don't think I ever heard the original. The song is pretty minimal, which works really well for it, even if the imitated accents seem a bit odd now.